Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Halloween Classics XIII, The Demon of Music

Hello boils and ghouls, here we are with the final non-musical film to bear the Phantom name - or at least the last one my lazy ass could dredge up* from the depths of stream land. Does this movie fix the problems of the 1943 version while being a worthy follow up to the silent original? Well flay a guy you don't like and sew his skin onto your face, because I'm here to tell you all about 1989's "The Phantom of the Opera" directed by Dwight H. Little and starring Freddie Krueger himself Robert Englund.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Halloween Classics XII, Music of the Night

Phantom Month continues, yeah! With a Universal Classic to boot. Does this version stand tall with the other Universal Classics? Or does it fall and crash into a million pieces like the opera house's chandelier? The answer to that may actually surprise you. So, drench your face in acid and throw on an opera mask because I'm about to tell you all about 1943's "Phantom of the Opera."

Friday, October 24, 2014

Halloween Classics XI, The Silent Angel of Music

Greetings! Wow *cough* lots of dust around here, and cobwebs ... and skellingtons in the closet! It's that time of year again, time for another Halloween Classic. Wow, it really has been a year hasn't it? As empty as this blog gets I'll never abandon the Halloween Classics. So, this year I decided to follow a theme; you see, last week the girlfriend and I saw Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera, and while watching it, it occurred to me that as much as I love the Phantom (I really do - this was my third time seeing the production, and I even wrote a song inspired by it - yeah I'm that guy) I haven't seen any of the movies. I decided to rectify that failing immediately: October 2014 is month of the Phantom ya'll, and up first is the granddaddy of them all: 1925's "The Phantom of the Opera" directed by Rupert Julian and starring the magnificent Lon Chaney.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween Classics X, Marauder's Map

It was a dark and stormy day ... wait I've done this joke before (I use the term loosely), never mind. Hello boils and ghouls I'm back for another Halloween Classic. So yeah I'm a day late, but real talk: I think we should just be pleasantly surprised I'm writing anything at all right? I mean I had a mountain of internet dust and digital cobwebs to clean off to even get into the editor ... all the more fitting to tell you about the latest classic scary movie I just watched. Coming at you from 1958 is Albert Band's "I Bury the Living."

Friday, January 25, 2013

Aural Pleasure, Time to Shelve 2012

Yeah I know, but seriously, you try to rhyme something with "twelve." That's what I thought. So, we're about a whole month into 2013 and I haven't even told you about my favorite music from the past year. It's obligatory right? A blog must have an end of year top ten list of sorts right? If you remember last year I did a whole drawn out series about my favorites from 2011, unfortunately 2012 didn't quite resonate with me in the same way, this could be due to how busy I was, or maybe nothing can compare to the ridiculousness of 2011's releases, it did include a Radiohead joint afterall. In any case, I still have a collection of brilliant little albums for you to check out. The usual rules apply: I try my best to ignore mainstream, let's stick to things you might not have heard of eh? Second there's no order here, except for the last one which I consider Albomb of the Year! So this isn't a top ten at all is what I'm saying (Can't you count?). Let's get to it shall we (Btw all links are spotify openers)?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Halloween Classics IX, Stealth Bastard

Though my thoughts go out to those in the path of Sandy, I gotta say, it's made for the perfect Halloween weather down here. What with the dark gloomy days and the wind blowing orange leaves all over the place. I feel as if at any moment I'll be jumped by a headless horsemen or a headed skellington. Thus it's perfect timing for me to share another Halloween Classic with you. Wrap your whole head in gauze and let out a maniacal laugh because tonight we're talking about 1933's "The Invisible Man."

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Halloween Classics VIII, Demons in the Attic

It was a dark and stormy night ... well really it was just windy. Oh and it was dark too, it being night and all. But it was certainly stormy a bit farther north what with Sandy and well anyway ... there was a math professor who sat down to watch a movie. But not just any movie. No it was a -Duh Duh Duh- Halloweeeeen Classic! Muhahahaha. Ahem sorry, welcome back everyone, Zach is back (That is, I am back, hm), the blog is back, and back with one of my all time favorite features to do. Something I couldn't let pass, no matter how busy I got. That's right, the one where I gush over an old scary movie, and hey, this one's actually scary. A Clive Barker joint coming at you from 1987 it's "Hellraiser."