Sunday, July 22, 2012

The End of the Interviews

Hello boils and ghouls ... sorry, I'll never do that again in a month other than October. So as you can probably notice, there hasn't been a Bible entry in some time, and quite honestly there probably won't be for a while. Let me tell you why though before you start DDoS attacking the blog. The short version: I Got A Job! That's right, call me Professor Zach: Job Haver. After two years of unending applications, interviews, and depressing rejections, the interviews are finally over. Though now I have to pick up and move about 14 hours away ... that's why there hasn't been an entry in so long, and why you probably wont see one in a while. I'm going to try and fill the spot up with some other stuff that I can in the meantime, like Aural Pleasures and movie stuff and whatnot. But please bear with me (all two of you) while I make this pretty crazy transition.