Friday, February 24, 2012

All Quiet On The Zachtern Front

Hi everyone, so things may seem a little quiet here huh? I'm still here, and I promise I'll have some Bible entries coming down the pipe as soon as possible. I'm currently in the process of trying to get my dissertation's final defense planned, which for those of you not in the know, is the final hoop in the myriad of bullshit required to get a Ph.D. So if things seem quiet for a long time this is probably why. Also, the next book is Psalms, fucking Psalms, have you ever read Psalms? First of all it's 78 pages long ... sorry I just collapsed from a mini aneurysm. To give you some perspective, the longest book I've touched so far was probably somewhere between 20-30 pages. Yeah let's just double that shit (More than double, fuck my life). And then it's a bunch of poetry written by David, how in the world am I going to do this? 78 Bible pages of poetry ... fucking poetry. What have I gotten myself into. I have no idea how I'll do this, so yeah that's also why the Bible entries seem to have completely dried up since Job, blame that fabulous David and his book of songs ... er Psalms. Whatever the difference is. Anyone know what a Psalm actually is? I'd love to know, anyway, until next time.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Two Years of the Book That God Wrote

Greetings dear readers, today marks the two year anniversary of my very first blog post about the Bible. It blows my mind that I've been doing this stuff for two whole years. Two years of struggling through tough books, pondering over my interpretations, lamenting over my own commentary, and just having it sit on my brain. To say I misjudged the amount of time this would take is probably the underestimate of the year two years. At this rate I'll never finish, but that's okay, at least you'll always have something to read right? God, two fucking years.