Friday, December 4, 2009

Riddle Me This Class

Well, guess who's back? Yes, it's me, your favorite genius, and I finally have time to sit down and do this again. So what's new? I passed my oral exam, it was brutal to say the least, basically the longest hour and a half of my life, but now it's over and I wont ever have to take another test for as long as I live; and that, gentle reader, is the best feeling in the world. After the oral I basically had the weekend and I was off to TN for thanksgiving with the family, which was oh so wonderful as usual. Then it was back to the grindstone on Monday, so yeah I've been busy. But I'm back, and I have some fun problems and rants stewing in the ole brain box to share with you, though they'll have to wait for another time. I'm basically just here to let you know I'm not dead, or crushed under the stress of grad school, or any other scenario you might have been concerned about. I'm alive and well and will soon be back with a vengeance.