Monday, February 7, 2011

The Book That God Wrote, One Year Later

A year ago I had an idea, nothing big, just a little side thing to occupy my math related blog when I couldn't think of anything science-y to talk about. You might have heard about it. If not it's where I decided I'd read the entire Bible and share my thoughts, learnings, insights, doubts, and exclamations. I even claimed I'd be able to do all of this in a year and three months, all while trying to finish up my doctorate. In any case, today's the anniversary of the very first post in "The Book That God Wrote" series, that's right, Genesis Part 1 first saw the light of day exactly a year ago. So, how did I do? What have I learned? What's my stance on all this so far? Well in celebration of this anniversary I thought I'd answer a few of those questions.