Friday, January 6, 2012

Aural Pleasure Presents: The Twelve Days of Xmas Music Extravaganza 2011

Hey everyone, here it is, all of the Aural Pleasure Twelve Days of Xmas collected in one convenient place so you don't have to search through everything. That's my final present to you. And remember, these are in no particular order at all, they're all what I consider to be albomb of the year, don't make me make that distinction okay? Alrighty, now that that's out of the way, enjoy.

Aural Pleasure, The Thirteenth Day of Xmas

On the thirteenth day of Xmas my AP gave to me ... thirteen songs a-play- wait a minute, there isn't a thirteenth day of Xmas is there? There's not? Really? Well damn, I had so much more music to talk to you all about. Even though I was joyous at the completion of the list yesterday. Okay, so here's the deal, today I'm going to list all the stuff that was vying for a spot on my list. Many of these didn't make it simply because I just hadn't listened to them as much as the others. Some of these were actually hard not to include, and the twelve spot was only chosen at the very last minute with basically what amounted to a coin toss (It was actually a dwarf toss). Anyway, here's a list of things that almost made it, and very well may have kicked certain albums off if I had only listened to them a few times more.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Aural Pleasure, The Twelfth Day of Xmas

On the twelfth day of Xmas my AP gave to me ... twelve drummers drumming. Hey, I got that one right, wow, I can't believe how that worked out. And okay, it only sounds like twelve drummers in this group ... I guess. 'Cause you know ... there's the one drummer who's really dynamic and I uh ... man can you tell that I'm burned out on all these intro jokes (I use the word "joke" generously here)? Thank goodness this is the last one, hooray. What is this last album of the year.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Aural Pleasure, The Eleventh Day of Xmas

On the eleventh day of Xmas my AP gave to me ... eleven things the water gave me. Also eleven heartlines ... and eleven devils. Or was that seven devils? Eh who cares, they rhyme, and multiple devils are involved. Let's see who we have today, if anything they have the best damn opening picture on the list, wouldn't you say? Read on to see who it is, yay.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Aural Pleasure, The Tenth Day of Xmas

On the tenth day of Xmas my AP gave to me ... ten wolves a-waiting. Eek, that's scary, lemme try again, how about ten orchestras a- ... um orchestrating? I don't think that works. How about ten drum loops a- ... looping? Man, this just gets harder and harder as I go along. Let's just get to album numero ten.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Aural Pleasure, The Ninth Day of Xmas

On the ninth day of Xmas my AP gave to me ... nine impressed steampunk girls. No? How bout nine things made in China? Or how about nine guys who used to be a pimp but are now hoinfodaman? Have you guessed it yet? We have quite the unexpected surprise today.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Aural Pleasure, The Eighth Day of Xmas

On the eighth day of Xmas my AP gave to me ... eight kids born a-screaming. Born a-screaming they had fire in their eyes. Like wild demons, Lord it came as no surprise. Okay I know the frontman of this band doesn't actually have eight kids, at least I hope for his sake that he doesn't, but that's a hell of a homage to his children wouldn't you say? Yep, today's album is the one and only: