Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Book That God Wrote, 1 Kings Part 4

Alright, so I guess I should tell you about the last stuff in 1 Kings yeah? Let's get to it shall we, unfortunately Elijah has bombed out since speaking with God, and he doesn't really show up again until 2 Kings. Still there's a little bit more crazy to share with you, especially regarding Ahab. Let's get to it.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Book That God Wrote, 1 Kings Part 3

Hey there, I'm back after a quick little legal battle. Don't worry, I have the best lawyer ever, seriously you should've heard her. She rocked in some freedom of speech arguments along with the obvious separation of church and state point. And my favorite, "My client's beliefs resemble those of Deist practices, which may I remind the court, were held by many of the founding fathers. Under this belief system, it would be impossible for the God my client believes in to be present enough to bring charges on a follower." It was brilliant, not that God had much of a case anyway. But I'm back, to tell you all about how awesome Elijah was. Let's get to it.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Notification of Cease and Desist

This is a notification that the author, known as "Master Z" or simply "Zach," of this blog named "Scientific Conquests of a Cowboy Mathematician," herein referred to as simply "the blog," has been issued an order of cease and desist in regards to his or her continuing series "The Book That God Wrote." Further, this author is currently under investigation for defamation of character, false representation of legal records, and conspiracy to think independently. As a consequence of these charges, the author's computers and other communication devices have been seized until a to be determined date. For further details regarding the nature of these charges brought forth by our client refer to Article 17a. (iii) of this document, herein referred to as "after the jump."