Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Science Is Real

Thank you They Might Be Giants for your latest children's album "Here Comes Science." Giving it a listen today I noticed something in the very first song, right out of the gate, I thought I'd share. They explain what a scientific theory is in simple language children can understand. What's unfortunate about this is how many adults out there need to be sat down and have this drilled into their head (and most of them need it in terms of the simple language too). It's so sad, my only dream is that every parent will buy this for their kids, and then the next generation growing up wont say dumb crap like "Oh evolution is just a theory." Sigh, just a theory, if you only knew how dumb you sound are when you say that. The lyrics containing their explanation can be found below after the cut, as well as a video of the whole song.
A scientific theory
Isn't just a hunch or guess
It's more like a question
That's been put through a lot of tests
And when a theory emerges
Consistent with the facts
The proof is with science
The truth is with science
Thank you John and John, I love you guys. I can dream of a world where no one wants to teach creation in biology classes can't I? And here's the video.

1 comment:

  1. My favorites are still The Sun songs and Meet The Elements.
    "The Sun is a Measma of incandescent Plasma"
