Sunday, March 28, 2010

Why I Hate Teaching

This right here, I got this email yesterday:
Subject: MATH 210

I'm in your MWF 10-10:50 class.  Is our test Monday or Wednesday?
M** W****
Hmm, I've only wrote that on the board for the past three weeks that the next test will be Monday March 29th, the Monday before Spring Break. I'm not sure I could be any clearer for any longer. So either this is the guy from "Memento" attending my class or he hasn't shown up since Test 2. And you know what really fries my bacon? I'll have to grade this joker's test. I fucking hate teaching sometimes, college students can be such worthless little shits.

P.S. Those of you waiting for the last part of Numbers, it's coming soon. As you know, the weeks leading up to Spring Break are brutal, but over the break I should be able to catch up some, and maybe not take a week between each part. But I also have a paper to submit at the end of April, so there's no telling what's going to happen.

Friday, March 19, 2010

The Book That God Wrote, Numbers Part 2

Welcome back, the fun is finally starting back up again. What's the fate of Korah's coup? What do the Israelites do for 40 years in the wilderness? Do the Israelites ever learn their lesson? The 2nd part of Numbers brings on the violence again in a big way, and this is just the tip of the iceberg. You'll see, oh you'll see, read on fellow traveler, Numbers continues with a bang.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Book That God Wrote, Numbers Part 1

Ah finally, in honor of Pi Day, I present Numbers, the stuff I'm good at. This book contains awesome things like ... census taking, job allocation, and tribe arrangements. Yeah ok, so Numbers starts out slow (i.e. BORING), much like a continuation of Leviticus, which is why this post has been so long in coming I'm afraid. But it gets good again once the Israelites pack up their bags and finally leave Mt. Sinai, which was way too long in coming if you ask me. Spoiler alert, shit hits the fan, the Israelites take their inane whining to the next level: Rebellion. Who in their right mind would try to rebel against Moses, or for that matter God? What happens to these awful little mutineers? Read on to find out.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Numbers is coming I promise, it's been a hectic couple of weeks, but I'm in the process of writing up part 1 right now. It should be published by Sunday and if I get a burst of energy it might even be out the gate by tomorrow. It should also be worth the wait, Numbers has caused me to laugh out loud a few times already, but unfortunately the beginning was pretty slow, which helped with my procrastination for sure. The second half though, oh the second half is just pure gold, you'll see, oh you'll see.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I Am The xkcd, Your Webcomic

Today's xkcd comic seems way too good and way too relevant to what my blog is doing these days for me not to link to it. The timing is impeccable, almost perfect, and makes for a wonderful coincidence don't you think? I've been meaning to do a write up praising xkcd for some time now, and I still will at some point, but for now it's too close to bedtime. All you need to know for now (if you don't already) is it's a sciency/mathy/geeky web comic that can manage to be both hilarious and melancholy all in one stroke. Don't let the simple art fool you either, xkcd has a lot to say: some of it goofy and out there; and some of it deep and visceral. Ack, I'm blabbing now, it's what I do when I'm tired. Just go read today's comic and bookmark the site (if you haven't already).

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Book That God Wrote, Leviticus

How in the bloody hell is the book named after the Levites the most boring one I've read so far? The Bible sure is full of some crazy twists huh? Hey remember those mean psychopaths that killed 3,000 of their own people last chapter? This chapter is named after them, hooray! Get ready for ... excruciating boredom. What? How does that work? This book is so boring, in fact, that I have no idea how to make it entertaining to anyone ... well, that's not true, as you'll see, I just have my work cut out for me here. Actually, I think maybe two things happen in this book, two actual stories, and they both involve people being killed, so that's very Levite like right? Yes, except that the body count here is a meager three people, hardly the feat that the Levites would write home about, hell even Shakespeare read this book and chuckled to himself, "Amateurs, at least kill off a few people by courier to up that death count." Yeah ok, that was a major stretch, I'm really reaching here. Seriously, read on, if anything it'll be a few paragraphs of me making light of what the Bible is famously known for: its skull numbing, brain melting, coma inducing boredom (not to mention my favorite passages that will exemplify my unabashed immaturity once and for all). Hey, I don't have to link to the introduction or the story so far because they're on the side there, fancy that [Also, I'm dropping the book abbreviations whenever I cite passages, you know what book we're in, if I decide to venture into other books then I'll use them].