Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Book That God Wrote, 2 Kings Part 3

Hey guys, I'm back to make fun of- er no, I mean explain some Bible stories to you. Hey, what's this? Have I actually finished an entire book of the Bible in a single month? Wow, it's starting to feel like Feb. 2010 up in here. No, actually no, I finished two books that month, damn. Anyway, yeah we're reaching the end of 2 Kings, and wow what an ending. There's a lot here, so let's get to it.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Zach's Summer Drinks or: How I Learned to Stop Caring About Being a Cowboy and Enjoy a Cold Drink

Hello all, it's me again, Zach, here to blab about some things. You like to read me blab don't you? Good. Hey it's hot out huh? It's fucking hot, that picture up above is the real deal (It actually ended up getting worse). One of the perks of living in Louisiana is that during the summer if your AC breaks then it will be 90 degrees in your apartment at fucking midnight. I am not exaggerating ... at all. So, what does one do about such insulting temperatures you ask? Drink. This is the perfect time to guzzle that C2H5OH, and it's also the perfect time for me to do another entry about my favorite drinks. Remember last time, when I would say things like "Eh this is only good when it's hot outside," remember that? Yeah, it's fucking hot, so how bout I share some of my favorite summer drinks.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Book That God Wrote, 2 Kings Part 2

Hey there everyone, I'm back to do some more Bible commenting about. Wait ... yeah that's right. Today we get to learn about Jehu, who will be the king of Israel. Except first he has to kill about half the country to get there. Wow, sounds like your typical summer blockbuster. What are sequels for after all. Off we go.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Aural Pleasure, The Man Who Couldn't Cry

Hey everyone, whatsup? I'm trying something new tonight, see Bible entries take a lot of time and work and sweat and lazing about getting all soul searchy ... it's pretty scary actually. The point here is that the only series I have running are all 15 paragraph epic discussions about a weighty religious text ... meaning I don't get many entries out the door in a timely fashion. So I propose to change that here and now, there's a series I've been meaning to start for a long time, and you know what? I'm just going to jump in and fucking do it already. Here it is, it's called Aural Pleasure, which you may have noticed was the title of my end of year lists, it's about music, and it's awesome. Okay cool, see you next time...

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Book That God Wrote, 2 Kings Part 1

Hey guys, I'm back, finally. Today we start on the sequel of Kings. We get more Elijah, more fun miracles, and some pretty crazy twists. Also, two of the most insane evil stories I've read so far. But, is it as good as the original Kings? Well read on to find out I guess.