Friday, September 3, 2010

How Much XP Do I Get for Liberating the Israelites?

Penny Arcade, everyone loves Penny Arcade right? Yes, yes everyone does. Anyway, I don't exactly keep up with them, but my good buddy Adam does, and he shared this with me earlier this week and I think it's just smashing. And here's the news article associated with it, where they pose many game ideas based in the Bible, claiming it's an underutilized setting. I totally agree, I'd love a good open world type RPG based in Genesis. And yeah, the Bible Online is a real game, I checked it out and it looks ... kinda bad, but hey, not bad just because it's based on the Bible. I oughta do a review series of games based on the Bible someday ... or movies based on the Bible ... my Bible reading has really transformed my thoughts. Anyway there's a picture from the Bible Online after the cut.

Just like in a real game!

Why is St. Micheal a troop upgrade? Or is he just a top level troop? This is based during the Old Testament, early Old Testament at that. What is St. Michael doing here? As an angelic looking dude? Is this supposed to be Michael the archangel? What's going on? Anywho, thanks Adam, great find.


  1. Damn, I really ought to start reading Penny Arcade again.

    And so... this game is kind of like a Biblical Civ knock-off? (I'm asking without bothering to look at the links first) Because that could be kind of fun, but so could reinstalling Civilization again and just play that instead. Having options rocks.

  2. it looks similar to Civ in only the sense that it's also turn based ... I've started to wonder why the Hebrews or Israel isn't a civ in the game, their leader could be Moses or David ... actually nevermind on second thought that would suck
